Saturday, August 25, 2012

A great ending to two grate days

There is nothing under heaven like a shower and a real bed after a few days of camping.

August 24th, we drove out to Yosemite West. I heard a Cassin's Vireo, but two hours later, John had not seen nor heard it. He left his 'ears' in the car. No matter how I chased them, they did not peek out of the trees.

On the way to Tuolumne, we drove out to White Wolf Campground and on one of our stops, Golden-Crowned Kinglets passed by low in the trees. 632

It wasn't all that late, but Yosemite on a weekend, we decided to find a campsite. I think we got the last one in Porcupine Flats. Not a bad site, an evening walk found us surrounded by juncos, chickadees, nuthatches, and warblers. There are a ton of juncos in the Sierras.

August 25th, we broke camp and headed for Tuolumne Meadow. At the Visitor Center, a ranger suggested we try around Lambert Dome for the Williamson's Sapsucker. We found a couple of sappy trees. One had numerous, fastidious rectangles, chiseled out of the bark of the lodgepole pine. The pattern looked like ice cube trays. We stuck around each sappy tree awhile, but no sapsuckers showed up. What to do?

We ended up in Bishop. Laundry, groceries, the big Mac, wine, SHOWERS and REAL BEDS!

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